It's been a fair while since I've made a news post, since I'm not a bloggish sort of fellow. I'd say it's about time to write some garbage that no-one will read anyway.
Conspiracy: So it seems that Newgrounds is joining with my real life to form some sort of Hellish puddle of stupidity. First off, TheWeebl's "Gooshine" Came out on the same day that Sunshine was playing on TV. Secondly, I had just finished watching Mistabishi's "Printer Jam" when this appeared. Now I'm not one to form conspiracies, but two coincidences?! I'm thinking this is some sort of elaborate scheme which will unfold over the next week or so, eventually driving me to insanity.
New Cartoon: So I've begun work on an enormous project which I will probably never finish. However, if I do, it'll blow all of your puny gay-boy minds. It's essentially been years in the making, built up from ongoing jokes created by my friends and I whilst drunk or overworked. I hope I do finish it.
Weird Shit: Some weird shit happened to me yesterday. I was at my part-time job, serving customers at the cash register. A woman arrived with a small collection of ice-creams that she wished to purchase, amounting to $7.50. She hands me a $50 note, so I begin to work out how much change she needs. At that point, she hands me exactly $7.50 in change, saying "It's $7.50 right?". I take the change, put it in to the till, and look up. She had dissapeared before I could hand back her $50 note. Anyway, now I'm $50 richer.
A small while later, I'm in a local grocery store, buying some potato chips. Another woman wanders over to me and hands me a chocolate bar, fully wrapped, saying, "You might need to wipe this bfore you put it back, darling, I dropped it when I slipped on the floor. It's actually quite dangerous." I just stood there while she walked off, with the chocolate bar in my hand. I would understand this if I worked there, or if I was wearing a shirt which said "Staff" on it or something, but this wasn't the case.
Question: Is there actually a Captain Falcon collab in the works? I have a vague memory of Luis or Zekey saying something about it. I'd love to be a part of it, if there is.
Anyway, goodbye.