Thought I'd write a little update on Prosnorkulus 2 for you playas. I've been slaving away at it for a good two weeks, and so far have completed everything up until the opening title screen. (About two minutes of cartoon.) The amount of detail I'm shoving up this cartoon's ass is gradually killing me from the inside - but I love that shit. Every time I zoom in/out I redraw the character/whatever is on screen, as I want to keep the line thickness consistant while maintaining the juice that the paintbrush gives you.
Also, fuck my ass is it violent. Number one is playschool compared to this, I feel a little ashamed actually.
The script is entirely written. The Reconnaissance Sniper (or Precise Man as some have taken to calling him) is back, along with Kanungenal, Prosnorkulus, and a new character who I reckon you will rather like.
Anyway here are some screenshots. Got a long ways to go yet. :D
EDIT: Check out DeathInk's sweet-ass painting of Porkdork!
i cant wait!